Our Dogs

Meet Splash

  • Gender: Male
  • Birthday:   February, 2022
  • Colour:   Caramel Parti
  • Coat Type: Fleece
  • Size:  Small-Medium

About Splash

"Hi, my name is Belloui Splash, although my owners call me Banjo. I was born on Valentines Day, which probably explains my romantic nature. I live in the beautiful Alpine town of Wandiligong along with my human parents, Howard and Kate. I have an acre block here to frolic around on which is pretty cool. I love going for walks each day where lots of people give me pats and say how handsome I am.  I love an adventure and have travelled widely with my beloved humans by my side. The thing I love the most is meal times. I usually do triple back-flips for my favourite treats. I do have manners though and will sit patiently for my food.   I really look forward to going back to Burrinjuck to see Katrina and Hamish and hopefully show off my more "romantic side" .Yours Lickingly Banjo "

Photos of Splash